Full Moon in Aries
Aries Queen Mariah Carey; US Magazine
This one’s for my overworkers, over- healers + workaholics. It’s time to use that last bit of Libra season energy in for BALANCE. There’s something you’ve been manifesting and working for that hasn’t come through yet, and it’s imbalancing you in this disappointed energy, making you doubt and unable to see your worth. You may even still be healing after a heartbreaking situation, but trying to heal before you really take pleasure in your life again.
Listen babes, it looks like the firey Aries energy from the moon this season is to be used to surrender + be still. Take baby step action. Bring in more playtime, but don’t ignore balance. Draw boundaries with work and daily bad habits. Shorten your hours, take more breaks. It’s great that you love what you do, but even you have limits. You’ve been building and birthing big things for your life, but neglecting your fun and self care time isn’t it.
You definitely don’t need to be 100 percent healed to step back out there either; you are worthy as you are right now. If this was your movie, things are still being written and developed, but you’re sitting around pouting instead of enjoying the pause.
You are soo close! What you want is coming! Keep up the good energy and know that whether it’s a career opportunity or a new start in love, you are worthy of your wish no matter how much money you make, what your situation looks like or if anyone else believes otherwise. Spend time with your girls, plan a date with your crush or bf/gf, get out and dance. Enjoy life now cause you’re young + it’s too short!
Siren/ mermaid energy. Meditate or spend time near water if you can.
Fun to try: belly dancing, wine tasting, camping.
Angel number 222. Look it up to see what it means to you.
WATCH the full reading from my Tik Tok below!