passion t by taylaur

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Op-Ed: Stop Sayin’ Saweetie Isn't a Rapper

Saweetie in Harper’s Bazaar Vietnam

Hey heyyy this is Tay’Laur Ambrene, comin’ back at you with some more Passion T…

So I’mma need y’all to stop saying my girl Saweetie isn’t a rapper, mkay? 

You can literally say anything else, she’s too pretty to be a rapper, you don’t think she’s a good one, she’s annoying, I mean, that’ll tick me off but okay even that, everyone’s entitled to their wrong opinions (hehe*side-eye*).

Honestly I’m getting soooo tired of seeing people talk shit about her in social media comments. You cannot tell me that girl isn’t a rapper.

Because she’s literally doing it. Right now. Right this second.

According to Billboard, as of May 2021, Saweetie’s “Back to the Streets” was #1 on Rhythmic AirPlay Radio, “Best Friend” is still in the Top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100, “Tap In” stayed on Billboard’s Top Trillers for 2 Weeks + “Fast (Motion)” debuted at #1 on the Top Trillers. She’s also been featured on pop songs with Little Mix, Demi Lovato, Gwen Stefani + has a collaboration coming with Cher THIS YEAR ALONE. That’s not even including the number of magazine covers she’s been on.

So I get that she may not be everyone’s favorite, but stop trying to discredit her; you cannot say, “SHE’S NOT A RAPPER,” and have it make sense. Like it or not, she has numbers + her hits are catchy. 

What I love most about Saweetie is that she just be living her best life: eating, traveling, dressing up, rapping her songs + just minding her fucking biz. I’ve watched her web series, that girl is ALWAYS working! People be talking about her when she’s literally just doing her thing and staying in her lane, the same thing most female rappers be doing when everyone has nothing positive to say.

If you don’t like her music, don’t listen to it, it’s that simple. But nobody says Young Thug isn’t a rapper. Or the Migos.

There are times you literally can’t understand him or Future or Lil Baby.

Blueface can’t even rap ON BEAT.

But I don’t hear anyone trying to discredit them as much as I hear female rappers being discredited in the industry. And THAT’S where I go off. Because I feel most of the negative comments on female rap are based in sexism.

The first comment I hear about female rap is that “They just talk about their vaginas.”


Men can get away with rapping about women as objects, drugs, cars, etc, yet somehow women are held to a larger standard. When they as women choose to speak about those things, suddenly there are think pieces on Cardi B and her position as a role model + the song WAP’s controversy. Now women are supposed to “know better”and what? Not be honest or have the ablility to speak about their own bodies?

Double standards confuse me.

I don’t know…to go around wasting your time to even comment under a post about Saweetie but say she sucks…

Do you hate her music or are you just a hater? Honestly.